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Musical example of LCCOTO

Posted: Tue May 03, 2016 4:30 am
by isaacdelpozo
Dear friends,

Here i expose an string arrangement using the concept.

This "matrix" use minimum gravity for the conduction of the voices.

The harmony is "aleatory".


Isaac ... 728/e4faa1

Re: Musical example of LCCOTO

Posted: Wed May 04, 2016 7:29 am
by chespernevins

Really nice stuff. I look forward to looking at it more in depth.

I wonder if you would give us more of an idea what you mean by "matrix", minimum gravity, and how you used aleatory practices to come up with the harmony?

Thanks for sharing!

Re: Musical example of LCCOTO

Posted: Wed May 04, 2016 7:46 am
by isaacdelpozo
Well , this is just an organization of the notes of a given harmony using the criteria of minimum gravity, which in classical music is classified as the "best conduction".

Analyzing the mathematics given before, you can understand that the thing that really matters is the "step" between the notes , so the whole arrangement sounds at it best when the voices are conducted this way .

If you are interested we can contact via Skype.

You can write me to to fix a date and share info if possible.

